Email communications security is more crucial than ever in today’s digital world. With cyber threats and phishing on the rise, businesses must adopt robust security measures. This article is about this.

What is DMARC and why is it important?

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is a standard email authentication protocol that helps protect email domains against unauthorized use and fraud. In combination with SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), DMARC allows the domain owner to report what authentication mechanisms it uses and what to do if a message fails these controls.

Implementing DMARC has advantages:

  • Phishing protection: DMARC ensures that only legitimate emails are sent from your domain, protecting recipients against phishing attempts.
  • Improved deliverability: Authenticated emails are more likely to reach the recipient’s inbox or, in other words, limit the reasons why the destination server might treat them as suspicious.
  • Monitoring and reporting: DMARC provides detailed reports on delivery attempts from your domain, enabling more effective email security management.

How DMARC ensures email deliverability and protects IP reputation

Implementing DMARC not only improves security, but also ensures that emails reach their destination. When a domain implements DMARC, it ensures that only legitimate emails are sent from its address, thus reducing the likelihood of emails being marked as spam. How? By providing the recipient’s mail server with a way to reliably verify the legitimacy of the origin and content of the communication.
This not only increases the deliverability rate, but also protects the reputation of the IP addresses used to send the emails.
This is especially important for services that send emails on behalf of third parties, such as eEvidence. A good IP reputation is essential to maintaining trust and professionalism in communications. At eEvidence, we understand that a strong IP reputation is critical to our customer’s trust and to our own operations.

The eEvidence Strategy: Strong SMTP and Security Standards

At eEvidence, we have developed an advanced technological platform that allows us to comply with SMTP and communication security standards strictly. We sign each email with DKIM, which is validated in the DNS of the customer’s domain through a CNAME entry resolved in our DNS.
This implementation ensures that every message sent on our customers’ behalf is delivered, authentic, and secure. In addition, our additional security measures include continuous monitoring and constant updating of our security practices to adapt to new threats.


Complying with DMARC is not just a matter of security; it is a mark of professionalism and trust. Ensuring deliverability and protecting the reputation of IPs is a way to demonstrate a commitment to excellence and security in every email sent.

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