TSA/Timestamp case CLOSED
At 13:34h GMT +1, December 23rd, the FNMT communication problem, which prevented us from retrieving the TSA timestamps for digitally signing some eEvid.Certs, has ben corrected.
Immediately after, we have resumed the signing process, sealing and delivering users all pending eEvid.Certs. Around 13:57h GMT +1, December 23rd, we have finished this process and closed the case.
Contrary to what we said in the previous message, this issue has only affected free eEvidence Basic licenses: no eEvidence+ licenses have been affected.
Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. Thank you.
If you are interested in starting to to communicate with greater guarantees and you are a professional, particular and/or small company, do not hesitate to consult the different rates available and register. If on the other hand, you are a company with high volumes of shipments and needs tailored to your project, please contact us.