Welcome to our new Blog. The purpose of this Blog is to share information about the Evidence and how it can be used to protect you business and personal dealings.

Firstly, let’s answer the most basic of questions: “What is the Evidence?”

Well, the simple answer is that the Evidence is a free service that allows you to certify and prove delivery of an email and its attachments.

Secondly, “Why would I want to use the Evidence service?”

There are literally 100’s of things you may want to use the Evidence for….here are just a few to get you thinking.

  1. How many times have you been told by someone that they [conveniently] didn’t receive your email. If you were to send your emails through the Evidence, you will have the proof that the email was received at the recipients mail server.
  2. You work as a freelance graphic designer and you submit a piece of work to a potential client. You have ‘the Evidence’ that not only did the client receive the piece of work but but what that piece of work consisted of.
  3. You work in a recruitment company and you send the CV of a candidate to a potential employer. By sending the CV through the Evidence you have the proof that you introduced the candidate.
  4. Your wish to cancel a subscription to a magazine/telephone service/TV service. By sending the cancellation notice through the Evidence, you have a date and time stamped certificate of when the notice was served.
  5. You work as an Accountant and you are worried that one of your clients is not working within the tax rules. In order to protect yourself from future problems, you inform your client by email of the actions they should take to ensure they conform to the rules.

The Blog is an open forum for everyone to post questions and comments. I encourage you to participate and looks forward to hearing from everyone.

Do you want to try the Evidence for yourself?  If so, click here and you will get a discount when you sign up.

If you are interested in starting to to communicate with greater guarantees and you are a professional, particular and/or small company, do not hesitate to consult the different rates available and register. If on the other hand, you are a company with high volumes of shipments and needs tailored to your project, please contact us.